Bearing Witness

I hope to bear witness to the One who is transforming my life and who wants to do the same for you. I hope to offer encouragement as we dance through life - contemplating questions and graces along the way to becoming who He made us to be. Together, let’s find joy in God’s whispers all around us and true wellness in Him.

“Dear Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance everywhere I go.”

- St. John Henry Newman

In Print

I am excited to announce the release of a collaborative book, The Cloud of Witnesses, that I’ve been working on with my Catholic Writer’s community - PraiseWriters. It is now officially available to order!

This collaborative book gathered a beautiful group of Catholic writers to reflect on the heavenly friends who have inspired, encouraged and shown up in each of our own lives in marvelous ways. Writing my chapter on St. Gerard helped remind me once again about the beautiful tapestry God weaves among the family and friends in our lives - both those here on earth and those in heaven. Their lives are entwined with our own. The saints are still alive, more real than ever.
Read how: 

  • St. Elizabeth of the Trinity was caught hiding in a retreat center

  • St. Thorlak helped an overwhelmed mother embrace the challenges of autism

  • St. Anthony led to the discovery of something far more valuable than what was lost

  • Mother Teresa inspired a couple’s adoption journey

  • Venerable Patrick Peyton’s intercession liberated a working mom to live out her primary vocation

…and much, much more. Let this cloud of witnesses–both the writers and their heavenly friends–inspire you to keep running your own race and to remember that you are never–never–alone.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight…and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.”

— Hebrews 12:1

Wellness in Him

  • Body


  • Mind


  • Soul